Hope Community Church

Places of Worship around Mount Joy Borough

Hope Community Church

Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552, United States

Created By: Mount Joy Borough


Our logo tells the story of who we are, what we value, and where we’re going. Hope’s logo has been thoughtfully crafted and is loaded with symbolism:

The interior circle represents the core of our being as people. It also pictures the interconnected relationships that we share together as a church.

The cross (in red) represents the work of Christ, which is central to all we are and do. He and His work are the source of our internal strength.

The four white arrows pointing to the center represent the need for each of us to be intentional at becoming Internally Strong. By Internally Strong this is what we mean: Moving closer to Jesus. Moving closer to Jesus happens as we seek to: know Him and His Word, be transformed into His likeness, do what we are made by Him to do and connect with others in meaningful relationships in the way He designed us. Thus, we could say that becoming internally strong is about knowing, being, doing and connecting.

Knowing Jesus and His word:
We believe God has spoken through both the Bible and by entering the world as the person Jesus. Knowing Jesus, His word and doing what He says will make us internally strong.

Being transformed into His likeness:
We believe that our lives can and should change to become more and more like Jesus. It all starts with placing our faith in Him as the one to save and change us. Through prayer, bible study, worship, mediation and living by the Spirit we expect to become internally strong.

Doing what we are made to do:
We believe that each person is unique in their personality, passions, and gifts and ought to freely utilize his or her unique gifts in serving both those who are a part of the body of Hope and those who are not. Serving others by doing what we are made to do helps us to become internally strong.

Connecting with others in meaningful relationships:
We believe that people are designed for relationship and that it is our responsibility to pursue meaningful relationships with those around us. Living in meaningful relationships helps to produce internal strength because we find places where we can belong, be cared for, be real, find direction, be challenge, and be held accountable to become more like Jesus.

The four colored, textured arrows pointing out from the center represent the expectation that each of us be Externally Focused all of the time. By Externally Focused this is what we mean: Engaging others around us, locally, regionally and globally in personal, small group and corporate action to bring the whole gospel to the whole person. Engaging others happens when we join in God’s mission, share the hope of the whole gospel, help those in need, and partner with others. Thus, we could say that becoming externally focused is about joining, sharing, helping and partnering in personal, small group and corporate action.

Joining in God’s mission:
We believe that God is a missionary God who sent His son Jesus to redeem a broken world and that all who follow Jesus are sent by Him to their unique cultural environment to live out that message in words and actions. God maintains an external focus and so will we.

Sharing the hope of the whole Gospel:
We believe that our focus must be on communicating the whole Gospel for the whole person. The whole Gospel includes doing good to help meet the physical needs of others and speaking truth that helps to meet their emotional and spiritual needs. Both are essential actions of our external focus.

Helping those in need:
We believe God commands us to care for the poor, the orphaned, the widow and to seek justice for the oppressed. As we do, we share His love and we grow in knowledge of Him. God cares for those who are in need and so will we.

Partnering with others:
We are committed to partnership, believing that the regional Church will have a greater impact if the local churches and Christian organizations work together to meet physical and spiritual needs. Our external focus will include partnering with others.

Hope Community Church

This point of interest is part of the tour: Places of Worship around Mount Joy Borough


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