Created By: Preservation Forsyth
A frame shingled house with a complex hipped roof and a front gabled, slightly projecting entrance bay that includes a massive wood single-leaf door with partial sidelights. First floor cladding is weatherboard, wood shingles on the second. The one-story wrap porch with hipped roof is supported by square Doric posts with a decorative picket balustrade. The house style is a mix of Craftsman and Colonial Revival details and massing. It features decorative brackets at the gable; a projecting polygonal bay to the west; multi-pane glazing in double- and triple-grouped windows; and three brick interior chimneys. Like several other houses in this area, it also features wide, overhanging “prairie style” eaves that add a horizontal emphasis to the form.
McAlister was a prominent lawyer and vice-president of Howe Real Estate Loan and Insurance Company. He and his wife Margaret were living here by 1908, having moved from W. Fifth Street. McAlister died in 1909/10, but Margaret remained in the house until at least 1929, at times renting rooms to teachers.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Washington Park NR Historic District Walking Tour Part 2
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