302 Mansfield

Belvidere, NJ

302 Mansfield

Belvidere, New Jersey 07823, United States

Created By: Belvidere Heritage, Inc. and Community Center @ Belvidere


Local legend tells of a former Mayor's wife who wanted the status of living "on the park"--but their house fronted Mansfield. So, she simply had her husband jack up the house, turn it 45 degrees and put it back down!

This beautiful albeit daunting example of the turn of the century Colonial Revival displays typical features of the style, such as the notable ornamental Corinthian capitals, graceful porte-cochere (the only one of its kind in Belvidere), recessed integral second story porch with round arched opening, classically inspired pilaster corner boards, and symmetrical massing. This house was modified at the turn of the century and contains an older structure with a curious eyebrow window.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Belvidere, NJ


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