318 Mansfield

Belvidere, NJ

318 Mansfield

Belvidere, New Jersey 07823, United States

Created By: Belvidere Heritage, Inc. and Community Center @ Belvidere


This Folk Victorian, c. 1870-1910, is similar in style to 518 Second St.(Tour Site #8), except this one has floor length windows, clapboard siding instead of brick, and a wooden medallion above a pair of gable windows. It has a wrap around porch, two-story side bays, and gingerbread detailing. It retains its original molded double door and front facade floor to ceiling windows.

In the same family for three generations, the family originally moved here to be close to the elementary school which was located on the corner of Fourth and Mansfield while the general store was across from the school. Talk about walkable!

The house has the original pine floors upstairs and in the kitchen. The living room retains the original fire place and window cornices. There are two staircases, one off the main entrance and a back one off the kitchen, typical of the era. The original outhouse has been converted to a gardening shed in the back, while the two car garage was used to house the original horse powerered transportation: horses!

This point of interest is part of the tour: Belvidere, NJ


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