530 3rd Street

Belvidere, NJ

530 3rd Street

Belvidere, New Jersey 07823, United States

Created By: Belvidere Heritage, Inc. and Community Center @ Belvidere


Built by John and Hattie Snyder, this 1896 Queen Anne Victorian home has been senstively restored, proudly displaying the typical and ornamental features of the style: wrap-around porch, three story corner tower, hipped roof with front dormer, stained glass sashes and various textured surfaces. All these were era-typical methods of breaking up wall and roof surfaces and textures.

The lavish interior on the first floor features Bradbury and Bradbury wallpaper, a parlor influenced by Robert Morris (see Tour stop #29). and leather Lincustra, a wallcovering imported from England, surrounds the dining room. (Lincrusta is a deeply embossed wallcovering, invented by Frederick Walton, who also patented linoleum floor covering. Notable installations of the Lincrusta wallpaper includes six staterooms on the Titanic, and the White House.)

The carriage house in the back has been remodeled in a European country cottage decor.

The original home did not have a corner tower--it was added later with the witch's bonnet style roof. The original wrought iron fence was donated as scrap iron to support the war effort in the 1940s. In 1988, because of the newly formed historic district, the owners had to secure a variance from the town to replace the fence with the current one.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Belvidere, NJ


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