Created By: Tammy Sortor
On the north side of Main St., east of Caldwell is a classic example of an American Elm (Ulmus americana).
*This is on private property and we ask that you respect the owners and not trespass, but enjoy this tree from the public sidewalk *
It has the classic elm vase shape. It’s easy to see why American cities massively over planted these trees and then lost almost all of them to Dutch Elm Disease. Whole cities had streets that were graced with elms arching completely over the streets. What heartbreak occurred thousands of times in Southeast Michigan from the early 1950’s through the 1990’s, and occasionally even now as these trees died. My dad told me of many people who openly wept at the loss of their beloved elms. But at least for the time being we’ve got this beauty on Main St.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Discover Northville's Majestic Trees
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