Created By: Tammy Sortor
On the north side of Main St., across from the Old Village School and between the houses, is a magnificent White oak (Quercus alba).
*This is on private property and we ask that you respect the owners and not trespass, but enjoy this tree from the public sidewalk*
I would not be surprised if this tree is over two hundred years old, although this is hard to tell by its trunk size. I just have a feeling that the houses were built around this tree and the houses are about 150 years old. I’ve seen firsthand cut oaks smaller than this one over 175 years old. The species is known for its strength and longevity. It has awesome, sturdy branching. I’m sure it provides good morning and evening shade. The neighborhood squirrels probably worship it as White Oak acorns are a preferred delicacy to them and many other critters. You might notice that there is a large burl on one of the branches. The cause of this malformation is unknown. It is thought to be an accumulation of dormant buds. By the way, there is a White Oak in a backyard off Clement that may be many of hundreds of years old. Its trunk may be 6 or 7 feet across. It is huge! Unfortunately access for viewing it is not good.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Discover Northville's Majestic Trees
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