Created By: Hudson Public Schools - Quinn Middle School
The trail is in Hudson and Marlborough and is 5.8 miles long. It is along the Assabet River. Acton and Maynard started the construction of their rail trail and once Stow finishes their part, the walking trail will go across five towns! People walk, bike, jog, or do other activities on the trail. Certain parts of the trail is paved and the other parts of the trail is sidewalk.
A trilha é em Hudson e Marlborough e está a 5,6 km de comprimento. Pessoas pode ir a pé, de bicicleta, correr, ou fazer outras atividades na trilha. Certas partes da trilha é pavimentada e as outras partes da trilha é calçada.
This point of interest is part of the tour: HudsonGo Walking Tour
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