Created By: The Department of Exhibition, Performance and Student Spaces|DEPS
TITLE: Imagine if We Could Tolerate Each Other's Differences
LOCATION: 916 S. Wabash
While working on this mural Hera stated, “The beauty of murals is that they can be done by one person, on one day, expressing one thought right there and then, without huge funding, without much effort, without the need to be conserved forever. A mural can be painted over easily, or will fade in the sun anyway . . . it basically proves that a single person can claim a space in this big world and make a statement visible. I think that is a very empowering message” – as quoted in Sandra Steinbrecher’s Wabash Arts Corridor / Big Walls / 2016
PHOTO CREDIT: © Sandra Steinbrecher 2016
This point of interest is part of the tour: Wabash Arts Corridor
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