Created By: Historic Urban Neighborhoods of Indianapolis
Year Built: 1908
Architecture Style: Colonial Revival
Key Features:
The building to our left was the original officer’s mess, club and visiting/bachelor officer’s quarters, and adjacent to it the original headquarters building. The bachelors’ quarters were called the Bachelors’ Club and could accommodate ten bachelors. The club has been converted into condos; the Headquarters building is now a law office [5845 Lawton Loop E. Dr.].
The main entrance to this building is the side that faces away from Lawton Loop, on Lawton Road. This side is much more grand. Check out the picture here or take a quick look around.
In 1917, the post commander, Colonel Root, abolished “spooning” at Fort Ben. His orders prohibited civilians from visiting candidates in the officers’ training camp and soldiers of any unit at the post except on Saturday afternoon and Sunday unless an emergency existed. Unescorted women and young girls visiting the fort were to be stopped by military police and questioned, and if they could not give a satisfactory account of themselves were to be sent off the post. Colonel Root also ordered that taxicab drivers and drivers of other vehicles could expect to have their vehicles searched for liquor as he strictly enforced the laws regarding the bringing of liquor onto the post.
Parade Field
We will continue the tour by taking a trip across the parade field and Lawton Loop, named for General Lawton, a hero of the Civil War and Spanish-American War from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Many of the streets of the base were named after victorious Spanish-American war heroes. More than 400 maple trees were planted along the sidewalks of the post when it was built.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Fort Benjamin Harrison
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