Benjamin Franklin House

Indigenous London: Covent Garden to Westminster

Benjamin Franklin House

England E1 6FQ, United Kingdom

Created By: Beyond the Spectacle


Retrace your steps to Villiers Street and turn left. Partway down the hill, enter The Arches shopping arcade on the right and walk through the arcade until you emerge into Craven Street. Craven Street is where an unnamed eleven-year-old Odawa boy attacked his captor and host upon discovering his kin's remains among a collection of human scalps. General George Townshend led the British troops during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in the Seven Years’ War—just outside Quebec City. Townshend brought the eleven-year old back from the war as a captive in 1761, holding him in his Craven Street home (a few doors down from the London home of Benjamin Franklin), where he used him to entertain guests, one of whom, the elegist Thomas Gray, provides the only account of his presence there.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Indigenous London: Covent Garden to Westminster


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