Created By: Unity College
Leaves are long, narrow and serrated bluntly.
Leaves are oriented alternately.
“The lower region of the mid rib is coated with a brown hair.(Newcomb, 2011)”
Leaves are a dark green, narrow and taper to a point at the end.
“When flowering, black cherry flowers are white, and both fruit anf flowers form in long clusters on the branch. “(Newcomb, 2011)
“Black Cherry trees can grow to be between sixty and eighty feet in height. (Newcomb, 2011)”
“Black Cherry is native to the United States, can be found east of Arizona, and in the Pacific Northwest. (USDA Plants Database, n.d.)”
“In older trees, the bark is dark in color, and a dark reddish color can be seen in the inner bark.(Newcomb, 2011)”
“Black Cherry is very adaptable, as it can be in sun or shade, hot or cold climates, and can thrive in moist or dry soils. (Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin, n.d.)”
This point of interest is part of the tour: Kanokolus Bog, Unity ME
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