Created By: Tammy Rea
Artist: John Shaw-Rimmington
About: Almost 25 tons of stone purchased from the Attia Quarries in Minden were used for the hands-on, week-long Dry Stone Structures course given May 2007 at Haliburton School of Art + Design. ‘C to C’ is a free standing dry stone sculpture. The idea is based on taking a typical dry laid sheepfold and then slicing it down the middle and shifting one side several feet along the line of bi-section. The sculpture is called ‘C to C’ not only because it is made of two ‘C’ shapes, it alludes to the different parts of North America that people came from to build the structure, and also the growing interest there is in traditional dry stone construction all over Canada and the States, from sea to sea.
Materials: Locally quarried granite
This point of interest is part of the tour: Haliburton Sculpture Forest
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