Created By: The Modernist
Rua Humberto Delgado 17
Built in 1955. South Modernist.
Arq. Manuel Gomes da Costa (MGdC)
Building ordered by Alfredo Gago Rosa, former wealthy emigrant from Venezuela. He wanted to invest in real estate and started with a special house for his family. A house with American vibes, tropical, inovative and different from what existed in Faro. MGdC was only 34 years old and few experienced but he was chosen for this ambitious project. It became one of his iconic building in Faro.
MGdC (skills) and Gago (vision) combination was terrific. This house looks very aerian. Thanks to the use of pilotis that enhanced the elevation. But also the flat roof with oriented canope.
The building has a kind of second skin made of Cobogos and frames creating loggias, to protect the inside from the strong light and sun.
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This point of interest is part of the tour: The Modernist Architecture Walking Tour - Faro
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