Created By: Preservation Greensboro
The Elon Law School (originally Greensboro Public Library) was completed in 1960 to designs by Greensboro-based architect Edward Loewenstein in partnership with artist Gregory Ivy. In an unusual approach to mid-century architecture, this building likely reflects a trip Loewenstein made to Florence, Italy by embracing the corner context of the site with a zero-lot-line placement and then providing generous eaves over the sidewalk. Other notable features include a dramatic glazed entry with a staircase and pilasters that infer a classical design. Bas-relief panels composed of aggregate are rumored to reflect sensuous masculine forms and constitute one of the largest displays of public art in the city. Private.
Style: New Formalism. Greensboro Preservation Award 2006.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Center City Greensboro Historic Architecture
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