Created By: Yogi Bear's Jellystone Camp-Resort in Larkspur Colorado
In addition to lumber, clay was also in abundance on the Huntsville property. This led to the development of several clay mines in the late 1800's. Some of the mines were below ground, but others were above ground. This image of the clay mine cliffs shows the side of a hill that has been completely dug away by hand as miners extracted clay. The clay was used to make pottery and pipes for water and sewer systems.
When the first campground here was built in the early 1960's, several of the underground mines had to be dynamited for safety reasons. The original owners at the time found old stills and other items left behind in the caves from the Prohibition era.
The original campground consisted only of the northern end of the current campground property. It also included a gas station.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Historic Huntsville
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