Colored Women’s Christian Association

Off The Beaten Path Tour of the Seventh Ward

Colored Women’s Christian Association

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States

Created By: University of Pennsylvania


The CWCA opened just outside the Seventh Ward at 1508 Catharine St, and appeared to operate in that location until the 1930s. This is one of the few organizations highlighted here (along with the Christian Recorder and the Philadelphia Tribune) that is still in continuous operation, though under a different name. Today, the CWCA has become the South Belmont Community Association, and is located in a different place. This change in location, moving to West Philadelphia, follows the demographic shifts that took place around the same time, with the move occurring in the 1930s. As you might remember from the tenement stop, this was around the time housing reform and changes in the neighborhood were increasing, showing how this change in community caused disruption or movement in the institutions. Many prominent people hosted events here and the National Negro Congress was hosted in the 1930s as well.

Du Bois does not address the CWCA directly in ‘The Philadelphia Negro’, but he does discuss the YMCA, stating that

“The Young Men’s Christian Association has had a checkered history, chiefly as it would seem from the wrong policy pursued; there is in the city a grave and dangerous lack of proper places of amusement and recreation for young men. To fill this need a properly conducted Young Men’s Christian Association, with books and newspapers, baths, bowling alleys and billiard tables, conversation rooms and short interesting religious services is demanded; it would cost far less than it now costs the courts to punish the petty misdemeanors of young men who do not know how to amuse themselves. Instead of such an institution however the Colored YMCA has been virtually an attempt to add another church to the numberless colored churches of the city, with endless prayer-meetings and loud gospel hymns, in dingy and uninviting quarters. Consequently the institution is now temporarily suspended. It had accomplished some good work by its night schools, and social meetings.”

Perhaps the CWCA was more effective than the CYMCA, as it would seem from its longevity.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Off The Beaten Path Tour of the Seventh Ward


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