Created By: Fostoria Area Visitors Bureau
Fostorian Toni Lucadello created "Copper Fire" with painted steel. It stands 4.5' tall on the Fostoria Municipal Lawn. It was purchased as a permanent piece by the Fostoria Community Arts Council with support through a grant from the Henry H. Geary, Jr. Memorial Foundation a few years ago.
ARTIST STATEMENT: "Art can serve as a catalyst to explore new subjects. My motivation for creating sculptures and wall designs is based on science concepts ranging from biology to theoretical physics. The intent is that the science related titles of art would stimulate discussion and exploration, perhaps leading to new perspectives. Art and science both use the creative process of preparation, incubation, illumination and verification and therefore reinforce one another. Therefore, whether designing an art object or developing a science experiment, the creative process is activated."
This point of interest is part of the tour: Downtown Art Walk - Fostoria, Ohio
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