Created By: The Modernist
Edificio TRIDENTE (BPI Bank)
Avenida 5 de outubro 19
Built in 1979 . South Modernist.
Arq. Manuel Gomes da Costa (MGdC)
An Icon of Faro skyline. One of the largest Architect Construction in Faro after Quarteirao Branco. Originally a Multimodal building with family apartments, shops, a cinema, a garden and a shopping center. Tridente is an example of a serie of similar midcentury large buildings built accross Europe and the USA in the 1960’s and 1970’s. At that time each city wanted its own.
And Faro did it here !
MUST DO : Enter the BPI Bank and enjoy its unique and original 1970’s atmosphere. The furniture, materials, design, are almost intact.
This point of interest is part of the tour: The Modernist Architecture Walking Tour - Faro
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