Environmental Factor- Light

Kanokolus Bog, Unity ME

Environmental Factor- Light

Unity, Maine 04988, United States

Created By: Unity College


Light from the sun is essential for plant in Kanokolus Bog. The light provides the energy needed for plants to carry out photosynthesis. Sunlight also provides Plants with the energy to change water and carbon dioxide into a sugar(glucose), which is what plants need to survive. (Detenbeck, N. E., Hermanutz, R., Allen, K., & Swift, M. C. 1996). The sunlight across Kanokolus bog the diversity of plants in the area. The area in the wetland is dominated by flowering plants that are in direct sunlight that influences faster plant growth throughout the area. There isn't much competition for plants like cattails and goldenrods because they all are under sunlight. On the edge of the bog trail, the tree species that were on the edge of the trail exposed to sunlight are going to grow faster. The tree species that are in the shade will have a slower growth rate. Shade-tolerant plants grow broader, thinner leaves to catch more sunlight relative to the cost of producing the leaf. The areas where the forest floor is exposed to sunlight is dominated by various pieces of fern. The woody plant species that are exposed to sunlight the most grow a much broader structure and thinner leafs to absorb sunlight, the herbaceous plant species tend to grow taller with more sunlight and grow straight up. (Grime, J. P., & Jeffrey, D. W. 1965).

This point of interest is part of the tour: Kanokolus Bog, Unity ME


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