Created By: UF IFAS Nature Coast Biological Station
Fisherman’s Park
6211 Riverside Dr, Yankeetown, FL 34498
29.0289170 -82.7167823
Fisherman’s Park has an interesting history dating back to 1923, when Armanis F. Knotts, an American politician and lawyer, purchased 4,000 acres on the west coast of Florida and founded Yankeetown. The following year, Knotts opened the Izaak Walton Lodge, as a winter retreat for friends and family to enjoy the bountiful hunting and fishing resources the area boasted. In 1925, the town became incorporated and Knotts dedicated the square parcel, next to the Lodge, to the town. Today, this square is known as Fisherman’s Park, a place for visitors to gather and enjoy the beautiful Withlacoochee River. Mr. Knotts continued to live in Yankeetown until his passing in 1937. Some of his descendants still reside in Yankeetown.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Big Bend Shellfish Trail - Yankeetown (Walking)
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