Created By: Chatham Bars Inn
The Godfrey Windmill was built in 1797 by Benjamin Godfrey and was originally located next to the Stage Harbor Light. The mill was built with the intent to grind corn using wind speeds of 20 mph. In 1932 a 60 mph wind blew the large fan off of the mill. Following the damage, it was sold to the town of Chatham and was moved to it's current location.
The windmill is operational, however mainly for historic events and activities. It was restored in 2012 in celebration with the 300th anniversary of the town.
Located behind the windmill is the Chatham Labyrinth. The labyrinth was gifted to the town in 2012, also in celebration of its 300th anniversary. The labyrinth is an 11 circuit labyrinth which dictates how many times the path goes around the center. The center of the Labyrinth has 6 petals, known as a rosette that symbolize love and beauty.
This point of interest is part of the tour: CBI Self-Guided Bike Tour
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