Created By: Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail
Thse two quilts can be found on the last house on the road..
#120 Harwards’ Hay Day Farm
Designed by the Reverend and Mrs. Lucy Harward
Quilter Lucy Harward
This quilt depicts the Harward’s life together and their many vocations and interests.
# 205 Floralina
Quilter Lucy Haward
Lucys Floralina, quilt arepresents the states where she and Dale were born and where they spent their married life. The mockingbird at the top of the quilt is the Florida state bird. The bird is small and in the background. Her husband, Dale, was born in Bowling Green, Florida. The first 38 years of their married life were spent in Florida, where Dale was a minister. The bird in the lower portion of the quilt is larger and more prominent. It is surrounded by Yellow Jasmine and represents the South Carolina state bird, the Carolina Wren and is their current residence as well as Lucy’s birthplace in Columbia.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Pickens County Quilt and Bike Trail
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