Horse Guards Avenue

Indigenous London: Covent Garden to Westminster

Horse Guards Avenue

England E1 6FQ, United Kingdom

Created By: Beyond the Spectacle


Take Craven Street to the left to Northumberland Avenue. Cross the avenue and enter Whitehall Gardens, continuing on the length of the gardens until Horseguards Avenue, where you should turn right and keep walking. Walking up this hill, it is impossible to miss the fact that we are passing through a landscape of raw power; for centuries, Whitehall has been the centre of British sovereignty. No.10 Downing Street is nearby, and the edifices around us are simply the latest in a long line of buildings that housed the machinations of empire. From here until the end of the tour, we are at the true heart of English and British colonialism. At the top of Horseguards Avenue, cross the street and go through the gate between the guard stations, then under the archway into the parade ground.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Indigenous London: Covent Garden to Westminster


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