Created By: Nazareth University
Address: 177 South First Street, Fulton New York, 13069
This organization was established in 1979, and is dedicated to the preservation of Fulton and adjacent towns of Granby and Volney. The kitchen has been restored to show how the family lived in 1861. The upstairs has many permanent exhibits including local industries, sports, education, and transportation. This was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1999.
Its main goals are to:
1. Acquire and preserve significant artifacts, publications, and other archival material of local interest.
2. Maintain as much of the historical integrity of the Pratt House as possible, while leaving space for historical exhibits.
3. Provide historical and genealogical resources for researchers and interested members of the general public.
4. Develop and provide community outreach programs.
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This point of interest is part of the tour: Fulton New York Walking Tour
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