Jesuit College

ArchiTourAlgarve - Walking Tour Portimão - (Modernist) Architecture, Art & More

Jesuit College

Portimão, Faro 8500-510, Portugal

Created By: ArchiTourAlgarve


In 1660, on the initiative of the nobleman Diogo Gonçalves, construction began on the Jesuit College building, in Praça da República, which would only be inaugurated in 1707.

After the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1757, the Camilos friars administered the College between 1780 and 1834, the date of the extinction of religious orders, later hosting various public services, and it is currently the headquarters of the Parish Council of Portimão, the Painting Museum Diogo Gonçalves or the Lar de Dia of the Portimão Elderly Support Center.

It presents a unitary composition on its facade, from which the high-ceilinged Church stands out in the center and on the sides, the lower bodies of the old school with oblique finishes.

This point of interest is part of the tour: ArchiTourAlgarve - Walking Tour Portimão - (Modernist) Architecture, Art & More


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