Josie de la Cruz Park Sausal Creek Improvements

Walking Waterhoods: Sausal Creek — Fruitvale

Josie de la Cruz Park Sausal Creek Improvements

Oakland, California 94607, United States

Created By: Wholly H2O


Sausal Creek runs culverted along the back edge of Josie de la Cruz Park, but is in an open channel upstream at 17th Street. (A culvert is a structure that allows water to pass under an obstacle, such as a road, trail, or stream. Culverts are usually pipes or arched tunnels.) Currently, rainwater flows from 17th Street directly into the creek, bringing pollutants and trash along with it. Installing rain gardens along East 17th Street and rain barrels at the Recreation Center could treat this polluted stormwater. Because of the park's proximity to schools, there are also opportunities for community improvement projects. Two potential projects include creating a symbolic creek with interpretative signage and doing native planting workdays. Which of these improvements would you like to see in Josie de la Cruz Park?

This point of interest is part of the tour: Walking Waterhoods: Sausal Creek — Fruitvale


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