Created By: The Modernist
MGdC Atelier and House
Rua Reitor Teixeira Guedes 42/44
Arq. Manuel Gomes da Costa. (MGdC) 1966.
The Architect house, has been renovated and a bit transformed from its original design. Anyway we can still notice its serenity and minimalism. As Ricardo Agarez said, “He wanted here to mix the peace of a japonese garden and a minimalism inspired of Mies Van der Rohe (famous Amercian Modern Architect). The house is a combination of vertical and horizontal lines and shapes in different texture.”(wood, concrete, iron, azuleijos)
The house is made of 2 main volumes since MGdC wanted a clear separation between Family and work. So there is a Residencial module with 2 levels and an Office module with 2 levels
This point of interest is part of the tour: The Modernist Architecture Walking Tour - Faro
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