Created By: Georgetown University
Opened in 1992, Madams Organ is a bar that invites the entire Adams Morgan community into its doors in order to watch local live bands and "let loose" in their own words. On their website you' learn they are "a family-run business that has witnessed the continuous gentrification of the community, we aim to be a welcoming neighbor instead of everything being about the dollar." Madams organ is a community institution that aims to invite all and even gives back through their youth outreach programs. They aim to teach neighborhood kids to take pride in their neighborhood so they may maintain it when they get older. Madam's organ has been around for 30 years and is a wonderful example of where all spatial imaginaries come to mix and interact. Each night, you can catch a wide array of people whose connection is a shared appreciation of the art and culture that make adams morgan what it is.
This point of interest is part of the tour: A Spatial Imaginary Tour of Adam's Morgan
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