Mix of businesses

Walking Waterhoods: Sausal Creek — Fruitvale

Mix of businesses

Oakland, California 94607, United States

Created By: Wholly H2O


As you walk down International Boulevard, you'll become aware of an entirely different mix of businesses than you see along other segments of Fruitvale Avenue. In many ways, this neighborhood resembles one you might find in Latin America because this neighborhood's commerce primarily serves the needs of the local community. Party stores, dress stores, travel agencies, small medical clinics, and places to wire money abound.

Why are there so many travel agencies? According to Forbes (2019), Hispanics outspend non-Hispanics on travel annually, and many prefer to consult agents than rely on online resources. Party stores and dress stores cater to year-round familial gatherings that are an integral part of life in this community. Small health clinics serve this population that is, statistically, less likely to have common health insurance and needs to pay for health care on a cash basis. And money transfer services allow community members to send money to their loved ones in other countries, especially Latin America and South America.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Walking Waterhoods: Sausal Creek — Fruitvale


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