Created By: jc
Nam Shan Estate is a Hong Kong public hosing estate in Shek Kip Mei. located near Tai Hang Tung Estate and Yau Yat Tsuen. Built in 1975, having 5.25 hectares.
It was original a squatter area from 1949 to 1953. That is the time after the second world war, coming with Chinese civil war, causing a large number of refugees to flow into Hong Kong. But the Hong Kong gavernment did not provide any public housing plan at that time, because of the principle of free trade. so the refugees built squatters on the fringes of urban areas and on the edge of mountains.
But the squatter areas are very crowded, with poor sanitation. Fire accidents are very frequent. Until 25 December 1953, Shek Kip Mei fire accident detroyed nearly 50,000 people's home. Then the British government realised squatter is the problem. So they changed the housing policy and built public housing to the rehouse residents of the fire accident.
Nam Shan Estate is one of the public house built after the Shek Kip Mei fire accident. And the design of their children playground has become one of the signature view of Nam Shan Estate.
When Hong Kong became densely populated after second world war, housing problem is a continuous concern. In 2020-2021, Federation of Public Housing Estates urge Hong Kong government to rebuilt Nam Shan Estate into modern public house which can live more people, in order to help the housing problem in Hong Kong
This point of interest is part of the tour: Built, and Re-build
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