Created By: On Top of the World, LLC
Amid the rustle of leaves, the Niwaki tree stands as a silent sage, inviting you to listen to the whispered
tales woven in its branches. Slowly inhale the essence of the Niwaki tree's wisdom, and exhale, feeling
a profound connection to the ancient wisdom of nature.
There's a secret the tree wishes to share with you–a gentle voice carried by the winds of Wabi-sabi,
uncovering the immortal essence within you.
The tree's whispers tenderly grace your heart as it speaks, “My life, much like yours, is transient, a
fleeting melody carried away by time. Yet, your essence, as well as mine, is immortal. Listen closely,
for Wabi-sabi, invites you to attune to the cadence of imperfection, urging you to embrace the truth
that every moment, every being, and every-thing holds real beauty, not in flawlessness but in the raw,
authentic essence of its being. Just as branches are trimmed or petals fall, new doors open, unveiling
your enduring beauty–a story of resilience, perseverance, and transformation.
Within the gentle sway of my branches, let my words be a guiding breeze through the labyrinth of life.
Embracing acceptance opens freedom’s portal. Strive for excellence, transcending the elusive pursuit
of perfection. Acknowledge your imperfections, cultivate tolerance, and acceptance towards the
shortcomings of others, transforming the world into a place that resonates with peace.
I, the Niwaki tree, safeguard the integrity of my soul. Envision me as a living parable, a delicate dance
between the transient and the immortal. Genuine beauty is not confined to flawless perfection but
thrives in our shared imperfections—a rhythm resonating with the eternal essence that gracefully
transcends the passage of time. Walk alongside me, and let the whispers of nature's wisdom guide you
through the steps of life's dance.” So I ask . . .
• Within yourself, and in your relationships, how can you embrace the idea that imperfections
make each person unique and valuable?
© iRewild Institute 2024
This point of interest is part of the tour: Zen Garden Meditational Walk
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