Created By: Restore Fort Myers Beach Arches, Inc.
The Tom Phillips built the 1st wood bridge accross Matanzas Pass in 1921. It landed very near on the Island near Snug Harbour Marina. It was replaced in 1926 after the Great Miami Hurricane. Presumably the bridge was bought used from Broward County and also financed and installed by Tom Phillips.
Old San Carlos Blvd was the southern landing side of the Tom Phillips swing bridge on Estero Island. The swing bridge was install in 1926 after the great Miami Hurricane with Tom Phillips own money. He aligned the placement of his bridge with the alreay constructed 1924 Arches.
San Carlos Blvd was named after Tom Phillip's company San Carlos on The Gulf. It started in Iona and bypassed the old road to Mantanzas Pass John Morris Rd. It was called the Beach bypass by locals for years.
In 1979 the Swing Bridge was replaced by the current Sky Bridge and the new landing on the southern side of San Carlos Blvd changed to where it is today. As you cross the bridge you will make a left on Main Street then an immediate left on Fishermans Warf South. Pull into parking under the bridge.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Tom Phillips Driving Tour Restore Fort Myers Beach Arches
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