Created By: Union Bar
Plans of Union Building
This photograph hangs to left of alcove and is entitled “Sketch for Proposed Students Union in connection with the Imperial College of Science”. Handwritten annotation says “Students’ Union. Plan and elevation of the Students’ Union Building now being erected in Prince Consort Road by The Governors of the Imperial College at an estimated cost of £15,000. The building is expected to be ready for occupation at the beginning of Session 1911-12 and will be for the use of members of the Unions of the Royal College of Science, the Royal School of Mines and the City and Guilds College”.
These plans are the personal work of the architect Aston Webb. The line drawing at the top is signed and dated “Aston Webb RA”. The ground floor and first floor plans are similarly signed “Aston Webb RA, 19 Queen Anne's Gate”.
Notice how, with only two floors, and with the line of the roof and chimneys being visible, the “Tudor style” is much more apparent.
The area indicated for “LADIES LAV.Y.” was too large for the numbers of females and was touted to become the office of the first Secretary of the Union. But in the event, this small, windowless basement room became the first Union Bar, the predecessor to the Bar you are standing in.
Lets go round the alcove in clockwize direction until we reach the next wall hanging........
This point of interest is part of the tour: A Quick Tour of the Union Bar - version 2
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