Created By: Unity College
Leaves typically have three lobes, separated by notches with sharp V cuts.
“Smooth gray bark in young trees, and broken segmented bark in older trees. (Petrides et al., 1986)”
Tree also produces red buds, and leaves turn red in the late summer and fall months.
“Leaves are between two and eight inches in length. (Petrides et al., 1986)”
Smooth leaf texture
“Trees grow to be approximately twenty to forty feet in height.(Petrides et al., 1986)”
Red Maple is found all across the east coast, and as far west as Texas.
Red maples are typically found in areas with high amounts of water, such as bogs, swamps, and marshes. (USDA Plants Database, n.d.)
This point of interest is part of the tour: Kanokolus Bog, Unity ME
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