Created By: Pulaski County Tourism Bureau & Visitors Center
Riddle Bridge area is a public access to the Gasconade River.
The former bridge was replaced with the truss bridge over Gasconade River on Holtsman Road beyond the end of Route Y. Riddle Bridge was a Pennsylvania (Petit) span with timber stringer approach spans on each end. The metal truss was unique within Missouri because each alternate laced vertical member (numbers 3, 5, 7, and 9) extended only half the distance from the upper chord to the lower chord. A single eyebar was pinned to the end of the half-length laced member; the eyebar continued to a panel point connection at the lower chord. Riddle Bridge was fabricated by the Canton Bridge Company of Canton, Ohio.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Shutterbug - Beautiful Pulaski County USA
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