Created By: Elizabeth Provo
In back of the Daniels House, is the Roger Wilson Memorial Ball Field. Sit on the bleachers and enjoy the fresh air. You might even catch one of many pick-up family ball games. Bring along your glove and have a catch!
The ball field is named after Roger Wilson, who retired to Grafton with his wife in 1987, moving to Roger's childhood summer home where they became active members of that community. Roger was a quintessential mountain man. He loved to ski, especially on Mt. Washington, and to hunt and fish, hike, camp, scythe, and chop wood. While in college, he helped construct the Harvard Cabin in Pinkham Notch, N.H., owned by the Harvard Outing Club and now operated by the Appalachian Mountain Club. In 1946, he and his college ski-team buddies founded The Drifters, a ski club which still thrives today in Jackson, N.H. He continued to ski race most of his long life. He and his wife Rosie traveled widely, including several cross-country camping trips and many skiing expeditions. He was inducted into the Vermont Ski Hall of Fame in 2003.
The ball field is maintained by the Grafton Improvement Association, a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to provide and maintain suitable and fitting memorials in honor of the men and women of Grafton who have served their country in its armed forces; and to provide and maintain, or help provide and maintain, such improvements and activities as will benefit the town and its people.
Learn more about the association here:
This point of interest is part of the tour: Grafton Village Walking Tour
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