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Stop 5 (b) is our last stop and marks the second Court-tomb at Blane-more Forest. At a much deeper level than the later stone row, we can see a portion of the collapsed inner chamber of this Neolithic tomb. Unlike its sister tomb of stop 2 (b), this tomb appears more intact and a small tunnel can be seen running past the jamb stones of the chamber, into the cairn of stones and earth surrounding it. The huge granite rocks making up the tomb were deliberately chosen by the Stone-age farmers, and split using only fire, wood and water to get the smooth inner-facing sides. The enormous human-hours of work required to create the court tombs indicates how much value our early ancestors put on such monuments. The walk now ends by proceeding back to the forestry road and continuing along until you arrive back at the entrance gate and car park..
This point of interest is part of the tour: Blanemore Forest Walk
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