The Rogers St. Behemoth: Black Walnut

Discover Northville's Majestic Trees

The Rogers St. Behemoth: Black Walnut

Northville, Michigan 48167, United States

Created By: Tammy Sortor


This is the Black Walnut, (Juglans nigra) on Rogers just south of Main St. This tree is the biggest tree in Northville all things considered.

*This is on private property and we ask that you respect the owners and not trespass, but enjoy this tree from the public sidewalk*

The branches alone are the size of big trees. To really appreciate it, you have to stand next to it, and then look up. It is awesome. Its branching structure looks sturdy and magnificent. Its circumference is 183 inches. What a tree! It is very vigorous and growing. It’s probably over 100 feet tall now with a branch spread almost as large! Walnuts are of course known for their…well , delicious walnuts. They are also known for their beautiful dark brown heartwood, prized by lumbermen. Walnuts are also known for giving off a chemical-juglans which is toxic to other plants. Tomatoes for example are hard to grow near walnut trees.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Discover Northville's Majestic Trees


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