Created By: Restore Fort Myers Beach Arches, Inc.
The sales pavilion was built on the east side just through the Arches in 1924 and was the place people came to look at the future of San Carlos and get information to buy small lots for beach cottages range from $400-1000. The San Carlos On The Gulf Corperation ran all activites through it until 1926. In 1926 the pavilion and fountain disappear, it is not clear if it was remove to run the new San Carlos Blvd to the Swing brige through the Arches, or if it was a destroyed by the Great Miami Hurricane.
The Pavilion was ornately decorated and the fountain was a favorite of the visitors. The fountain had the same Coquina Limestone construction as the Arches.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Tom Phillips Driving Tour Restore Fort Myers Beach Arches
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