Created By: Heritage University
The Following is our closed and Ceded areas and the benifit of being an Enrolled Yakama member.
Information for Tribal
Members on Hunting on the
Yakama Reservation and
Ceded Areas
The following guidelines are designed to help inform Yakama Tribal Members
and the General Public on the Hunting Rights of Yakamas and to help alleviate any
confusion about these rights. These only highlight some of the laws, and are not meant
to replace the existing wildlife codes and laws regarding these activities, which more
fully define the tribal laws regarding hunting. These can be obtained by contacting the
Yakama Nation Wildlife, Range, & Vegetation Resources Management Program.
Members of the Yakama Nation, and other tribes, hunt throughout their
ancestral lands in Washington State for the purpose of gathering meat for sustenance
and ceremonial purposes. It is not the custom of tribal people to hunt or gather food for
sport or leisure, but is instead a traditional and cultural activity that is needed to
provide food for funerals, memorials, name givings, food feasts, and family dinners. On
the reservation and ceded areas, these laws and rights override the jurisdiction of the
Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife.
Yakama Nation Reservation
Within the 1.2 million acre reservation of the Yakama Nation, enrolled members
can hunt within and outside of the closed area with the following restrictions:
• No hunting of female deer and elk from Jan. 1—Aug. 31 (except with Special
Permit). When in the field, heads or genitals must remain attached to the
animals during this period as proof of sex.
• No hunting 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise.
• No hunting of mountain goat, bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope (except
with Special Permit).
• No hunting of bald eagles or other protected animals (as defined by Tribal
• No wasting of game meat normally used for human consumption
• No hunting using artificial lighting at night, from the air, from snow vehicles
or ATV, using dogs, using rifle less than 24 caliber for elk, or using toxic
• You must have permission to hunt private lands on the Reservation.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Yakama Reservation Through a Native Lens.
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