Created By: Hudson Public Schools - Quinn Middle School
This building is considered the oldest commercial building in Hudson! It was one of the few buildings in Hudson that did not perish in the Great Fire. Like this wood building, many of the buildings before the Great Fire were also made of wood.
The Wright Jewelry shop was built/established in 1928, this is its third generation. They experienced damage from “A Great Electrical Fire” and it cost $125k to repair. These damages were eliminated just a few months later after the disaster. Today, the shop continues to be a jewelry shop after the disaster.
A joalheria Wright foi construída em 1928, esta é a sua terceira geração. Eles sofreram danos de "Um Grande Incêndio Elétrico" e custaram 125k para consertar. Esses danos foram eliminados apenas alguns meses depois do desastre. Hoje a loja continua a ser uma joalheria depois do desastre.
This point of interest is part of the tour: HudsonGo Walking Tour
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