Venice Flying Carousel & other sculptures, Robin Murez, 2023, 419 Carroll Canal

Public Art Murals & Sculpture in Venice CA

Venice Flying Carousel & other sculptures, Robin Murez, 2023, 419 Carroll Canal

Los Angeles, California 90291, United States

Created By: preserving public places


The Venice Flying Carousel is a no-tech, interactive, Venice themed, kinetic public art sculpture that you can ride. Its' hand carved wooden animals, sculpted by Murez, each bring out stories of Venice history and have trappings reflective of their "adoptive" families.

The carousel is "net zero" off-the-grid. The human powered mobile mechanism is based upon centuries old carousels, in continuous use today. Currently a wheel turns the carousel 'round; ultimately it is to be bicycle propelled. It's lights and music are solar powered.

The site also contains several of Murez' Venice Public Art sculptures, formerly installed for the past decade on Abbot Kinney Boulevard. All are visible 24/7 and accessed 11am-noon Saturdays and Sundays.

These include:

The Venice Public Art Gallery, The Wheel of Fortune, The Coin Toss Thaumatrope, The Kinney Tabor House Moire Animation, The St Mark Lion kinetic sculpture, and The Chaplin Zoetrope.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Public Art Murals & Sculpture in Venice CA


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