Venice Poetry Walls, Ocean Front Walk 4 locations: Windward Plaza, 17th, Horizon, Brooks Avenues

Public Art Murals & Sculpture in Venice CA

Venice Poetry Walls, Ocean Front Walk 4 locations: Windward Plaza, 17th, Horizon, Brooks Avenues

Los Angeles, California 90291, United States

Created By: preserving public places


Words and poetry fragments of 18 historic Venice Beat Poets and musicians is etched into the concrete walls in four locations along Ocean Front Walk.

The poets include: Frank T. Rios, Tony Scibella, Charles Bukowski and Pholomene Long as well as musicians Jim Morrison, Eene Cervenka and actor Viggo Mortensen.

The project was curated by Fred Dewey, Director of Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center in Venice.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Public Art Murals & Sculpture in Venice CA


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