Created By: Russell Egan
after a day rest, and time for the festival of Asclepius to conclude, the initiates begin a 14 mile journey toward ancient Rheitoi. Here at the Archaeological Rheitoi museum they will re-enact the tying of the ribbons or the krokosis. A ribbon is tied to the left arm and leg of each initiate by the decendents of the area. The significance is lost at this point, but more than likely it was a good resting spot and a way to remember the trip before entering into Eleusis.
*The picture that accompanies is an Attic inscription found near the area which decrees that a one lane, pedestrian walkway across what is now Limni Koumoundourou, should be built so that those walking across the sacred way, and priestesses of Demeter could travel safetly across.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Ritual path to initiation at Eleusis
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