demolished: National State Bank of Boulder

Mid-Century Modern Architecture in Boulder, CO - Central

demolished: National State Bank of Boulder

Boulder, Colorado 80302, United States

Created By: Historic Boulder, Inc.


1650 Canyon Boulevard/ Everett-Zeigel Architects architect/ Expressionism style/ built 1973

This site is included in the tour to illustrate that MCM buildings are being demolished, this one in 2018, as Boulder continues to grow. Small buildings are replaced by larger ones, and the heritage of innovative design is being lost.

This branch bank building had a unique approach to drive-up car culture; it was designed as a series of circles. The central circle was the retail bank, and radiating curves moved automobiles forward to arrive at the drive-up tellers.

About Boulder's historic preservation program: Demolition applications for buildings over 50 years old are reviewed by the preservation program for historic value either by Planning staff alone, or by the Landmarks Design Review Committee, and/or by the Landmarks Board when greater consideration in a public hearing setting is deemed necessary. Like the Harvest House Hotel, the demolition application for this bank building was reviewed and approved by staff because the building was constructed during or after 1940. Buildings constructed before 1940 are subject to more rigorous reviews.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Mid-Century Modern Architecture in Boulder, CO - Central


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