Created By: No group name
GFHC1045 section 00001 Week 7
Group: No Group Name
19224036 Leung Yan Ting
22227571 Fu Ching Sum
22236937 Choi Yuen Chai
Central is always viewed as a commerical business district in Hong Kong, containing skyscrapers and financial elites. Meanwhile, it is also seen as an old community with colonial style of Hong Kong. Therefore, we are dedicated to design a walking tour in Central to breakthrough the typical perception of audience. Our tour includes 4 revitalised spots in Central to Sheung Wan, including the Central Market, the Tai Kwun, the Police Married Quarters (PMQ) as well as the Western Market. These revitalised places are definitely fusions of old and modern features. Such fusion make these places a trendy, fashionable and popular hub for hipsters. We hope that this walking tour can help you to see Central in another perspective, enjoying and exploring the interesting Central.
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