Created By: Ithaca Heritage
Ithaca’s Art Bike Racks
In 2017 the Downtown Ithaca Alliance (DIA) and the City of Ithaca, together with the Tompkins County Tourism Program and Bike Walk Tompkins, launched a Community Bike Rack Design Competition with the idea of encouraging cycling as a desirable mode of transportation as well as enhancing downtown Ithaca with creative functional art designed by and for the local community.
Eighty different designs from local and regional artists of all ages were submitted. The selection panel, using criteria of functionality, creativity, and representation of Ithaca’s unique culture, history, and characteristics of place, chose twelve wining designs.
These were then sent to local blacksmith and metal artist Durand Van Doren for crafting into bike racks. Using the colors recommended by the design artists, the finished products were then galvanized and fusion-coat painted for durability and additional beauty.
Local bike advocates helped the City Engineering Division identify visible downtown locations near to the Ithaca Commons where additional bike parking was needed.
Bike racks were fabricated at Durand’s Forge, part of Artist Resource Quarters in Mecklenburg NY. Photos were taken by Edna Brown of Edna Brown Photography.
Intended to be a walking tour. Riding on bicycles not permitted on the Ithaca Commons.
Total distance travelled: 0.8 miles
Elevation: Mostly flat
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