Ponder Street

A Walking Tour of Historic Ponder Street

Ponder Street

Denton, Texas 76201, United States

Created By: Historic Denton Inc

Tour Information

Ponder Avenue was established near the Mounts Farm at the beginning of the 20th century. After the conversion of John B. Denton College to Denton High School, Ponder extended northwards to the bottom right corner of Scripture Farm. Further development resulted from more school construction and WPA-built sidewalks. Ponder connected to Congress St., and yet more development came after the end of World War II.

Tour Map

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What You'll See on the Tour

Craftsman - Built 1925 High Level of Original Activity
Craftsman Influence - Built 1916
Queen Anne - Built 1900 High Level of Original Integrity
Mixed Styles - Built 1939 Historic Photo from 1946
Ranch Style - Built 1949 Built for Winnette and Earl Coleman by H. F. Burke, builder
Ranch Style - Built 1946


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