Created By: Preservation Forsyth
A one-story front-gable Craftsman Bungalow with a front-gable projection that features knee braces in each gable. There is also a large side-gable wing. The recessed porch included a shingled balustrade and post at the time of the nomination (2004), these have been removed. Multi-light French doors are to the side of the porch. There are several diamond/pentagon-light transom over single light sash windows remaining, but what were fifteen-light casement windows are now gone as well. The entire structure is clad in wood shingle sheathing. 1930 CD: Willis Tuttle (W), owner occupant, W. H. Tuttle Electric Co.; 1940 CD: same; 1950 CD: same.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Belview NR Historic District Walking Tour
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